| SIDE C 01. Schoolīs Out - Joel Hoakstra, Derrick Lefevre, Richard Kendrick & Kurtis E. Phlush
02. Billion Dollar Babies - Fierce Atmospheres
03. Hello Hooray - Berzon
04. Only Women Bleed - Alice In Cooperland
05. Be My Lover - Charlie Bonnet Iii
| | | SIDE D 01. Hey Stoopid - Kelly Keeling, Marko Pukkila, Sven Wannas,simmo Pirttimaa, Vesa Saarikoski & The Heether
02. Go To Hell - Quatermoc
03. Is It My Body - Vid Payne
04. Halo Of Flies - The Alice Cooper Experience
05. Nobody Likes Me - Erling Solem